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The Original Bible Challenge Board Game

Overview and history

Jim Barineau invented the Bible Challenge Board Game in 1983 and first put it on the market in October of that year. The concept and intent was to offer a challenging and entertaining game built solely around the Holy Scriptures. The first 10,000 units were assembled in his home and it grew from there. There have now been over 500,000 units distributed throughout the world. The endorsements are exciting to read. The purpose of the game was to offer people a fun way to fellowship around the Bible, while becoming more acquainted with its message.

After the first 10,000 units were marketed, others became involved in the distribution process and it was marketed throughout the world. Major interuptive events caused Jim to have to leave the distribution to others. Patents and trademarks were lost and many other "Bible Challenge" products hit the market. Thankfully, copyrights were protected and retained.

During the time that Jim was away from the active distrubition of Bible Challenge, he began developing other tools to teach the Bible. Most of these have never been placed on the market. You may see some of them at these sites:

7 Bible Games In 1 Box
Bible Challenge Playing Cards
Books Of The Bible Poster
Books Of The Bible Puzzle
Ultimate Gift Book
Bible Challenge IIe (Electronic)
Bible Challenge Q & A (Electronic)

About Bible Challenge

Bible Challenge is a quality game that is designed to teach the Bible. As a game, it makes Bible study come alive with fun and excitement and is for all people and all ages, promotes fellowship centered around the Word of God, encourages families to spend time together around the Bible, is a great way to entertain friends, educates young and old, is flexible to meet most any occasion, is easy to play, is expandable, and is made with quality materials and craftsmanship.

Bible Challenge includes a playing board that helps you become acquainted with the books of the Old and New Testaments, and how those books relate to each other in terms of location, size, and classification. The board acquaints you with the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles. The board is designed with the Old Testament books surrounding the New Testaments books and both Old and New pointing to Jesus as Saviour of the world. All the books are "tied" together by the Cross with the Cross resting on the earth. Surrounding the earth is the verse John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Bible Challenge includes 2,100 questions from and about the Bible. These questions are divided into seven categories: Old Testaments, New Testament, Life of Christ, Quotations, Places, People, and General.. The questions are organized on 300 cards; one question from each category is on each card. The questions, answers, and Scripture references are color coded to match the board and the playing parts.

Bible Challenge is designed to make Bible study fun - and flexible! There are many ways to "play" the game and you may adapt the rules of play to suit most any occasion. The players move about the board, being asked questions from the cards, and earning scoring rings when correct answers are given.

Bible Challenge was constructed to be durable, was designed to be educational, and was packaged to resemble the Bible in appearance and to be easily stored like a book on a shelf. It is suggested to always have a Bible handy to look up the Scriptures as needed.

We thank you for considering this quality game and pray that it will be used to help God's Word come alive to you, your family, and friends.....Jim Barineau


The Outer Box

The box is stamped with gold foil and the stamp states our theme found in II Timothy 2:15:

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

The game board folded inside the box

The outer box contains two boxes of question/answer cards,
a total of 300 cards, a package of plastic tokens, rings and a dice.
Also two pages of instructions.

The game board consists of the following:

  • An outer ring made up of each book of the Old Testament
  • An inner ring made up of each book of the New Testament
  • The center square incudes a NASA photo of the earth
  • The outer ring and inner rings are tied together with the cross
  • The twelve tribes of Israel surround the outer ring
  • The twelve apostles surround the inner ring
  • You begin the game at the foot of the cross and each time you
    encounter the cross you have to make a choice concering the path
    you desire to take

The game board, one of the two boxes of cards,
the plastic tokens, plastic rings, and dice

Close up view of the back and front of cards
Each card has a question and an answer from each of
7 seven different categories. The scripture reference
is shown for each question.

Rules of Play

Rules of Play

How To Play The Game

Bible Challenge is very flexible and can be played in many different ways. We suggest that you design your rules and procedures to suit the occasion, keeping in mind the teaching aspect of the game. In order to help you get started, the following is just one way to play the game.

Players can be either individuals or teams. Four players can participate at any one time. To begin, each player selects a token (There are four) and places it on the red spot at the foot of one of the four crosses. Each player receives seven scoring rings, one of each color, and places them in the open area next to the cross. In some manner, you must decide who is to take the first turn. One way is to flip a coin, another is to let the youngest (or oldest) go first, another is to draw straws, another is to roll the selector that is included, letting the player rolling the highest number go first. The player taking the first turn moves one space to the right, the object being to land on a colored space so that he can be asked a question that is coded to that color. The player across the board then selects a card from the question box, reads the question that corresponds to the colored space, and gives the player a chance to answer the question. We suggest that the player be given 30 seconds to answer (somebody needs to be a time keeper). After the player responds, the correct answer is given along with the Scripture reference. If the player gets the answer correct, he places a scoring ring (of the same color as the question) on his token and takes another turn. The players should then move the number of spaces indicated by the space on which his token sits (see movement note) and the question/answer process is repeated. As long as a player answers correctly, he continues to take another turn. However, the player may only collect one ring of each color. Consequently, if a player has already earned a ring of a certain color and again lands on that color, he loses his turn and the next player takes a turn.

The object of the game is to be the first to collect all seven scoring rings. As soon as a player earns all seven scoring rings, he then places his token at the head of the cross nearest to his seating position and awaits a chance to finally win the game.

How To Win The Game

Before the player has a chance to win, each of the other players must be given another turn. When play returns to the player awaiting a chance to win, he must answer a final question concerning the life of Christ. To select this final question, the other players may draw three cards and decide among themselves the question to ask the player. If the player answers correctly, he wins the game. Ties are possible.

Notes Concerning Movement About The Board

Movement about the board should be to the right. Any time your token is on a cross, you have a choice. Movement off the cross may be to either the Old or New Testament books. Any time your token is on the cross or on "Other's Choice," your next move will be one space to the right. Any time you are on a space representing a book, your next move will be the number of spaces indicated by the number of chapters in that book. For example, if you were on the green space "2 Corinthians" you would notice that 2 Corinthians has 13 chapters. Therefore, your next move would be either a one or a three.

Notes About Colors

The playing surface, the scoring rings, and the questions are all color coded. When referring to a particular color on the board, that color has no special Biblical significance. The color sequence is used solely as a determinant for the type of question to be asked. The seven colors divide the questions into seven different categories: Red = Old Testament, Brown = New Testament, Gold = Life of Christ, Light Blue = People, Green = Quotations, Orange = Places, and Dark Blue = General.

Notes About Asking Questions

Any time you land on a colored space, the question to be asked must correspong to that color. However, if you land on a cross, you may select any category that you want to be quized on, providing you have not already earned a scoring ring of that color. Any time you land on a corner marked "Other's Choice," the other players get to select the category for you.

Notes About Play

Remember the game is flexible and you should make your own rules to suit the occasion. We suggest you play with a Bible handy and that you refer to it during play. May God richly guide you as you enjoy Bible Challenge. Let us hear from you regarding your success with Bible Challenge and how your are using it to learn more about the Bible.