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Bible Challenge (March 2000, North Dakota)

Dear Friend,

Let me tell you about Bible Challenge. I played this game with my family when I was a child, and it motivated me to learn the Scriptures more thoroughly. It was challenging enough that my father, a minister, would occasionally be stumped, but simple enough for me, a 10-year-old, to win. When I left home, I knew I would miss the game. Now I'm married with my own children and we love board games. I want them to have the same love for the Scriptures that I have, so I want them to play Bible Challenge. I frequently invite other kids from our congregation over to play with us, and Bible Challenge is certainly one of our favorites, even more so than well known games like Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit. Bible Challenge has been a part of my life for a long time and will be a part of my family for a long time yet to come.

Bible Challenge is simple to play. Most games have rules that are open to interpretation, but the rules for Bible Challenge are simple and clear, leaving little room for the types of misunderstanding that often lead to contention when playing games with others. Therefore, Bible Challenge is a source of encouragement to everyone who plays, not a cause for disagreement over rules. Every player can be a winner at this game because the focus isn't on who knows the most, but on what the individual knows at his own level.

Bible Challenge will hold an unfading appeal to your family if you love the Bible. Instead of dividing the family up to watch television, surf the internet, or do other "individual" activities, why not bring them together to play Bible Challenge?

Sincerely yours in Christ,
David F. Sims

Synopsis: This game is the best bible trivia game that I have ever seen. It has a similar set up to the most popular secular trivia games. It's game pieces are lamp posts and it's "pie pieces" are hoops. The board has the books of the bible set up as the places that you move to, and is color-coded by catagory, such bible characters, places, etc. It's a challenge for all levels and ages. As the rules stand...Is even challenging for the advance student. To play with younger students, the game encourages you to modify the rules and gives pointers on how to do so. Great for bible studies, family gathering... or to quiz one's self.
Parchment Purveyor 5.0 out of 5 stars
Bible + Bible Challenge = Bible Brains October 22, 2012 This game is a rarity for Bible games. It is spot on for those who want to play a great game and learn about the most important Book ever penned.. It is aptly called the Bible Challenge because it challenges your knowledge of the Bible in a way that really stretches you. Most Bible games out there don't truly challenge your knowledge of the Bible as they are geared towards Bible knowledge they teach in any typical Sunday school that thinks that Veggie Tales is a good learning tool...You will learn in a way you never thought - when you lose. I found that the answers I did not know stuck in my head, especially when the answer is on the tip of your tongue. Great game, I own quite a few Bible trivia and Bible based games and this is one that can be played with just 2 or even in teams...Every other one in my house gets pushed aside so we can enjoy a good round of Bible Challenge. I certainly hope they come up with another one because we've played it so often that we need another challenge soon!
A. McGurty 5.0 out of 5 stars
Great fun June 24, 2014 Verified Purchase Challenging questions and a competent learning tool..Buy it for the experienced student or beginner..This is well worth the cost .
Walking Jen 5.0 out of 5 stars
Great game for the whole family July 24, 2008 This is a great game. It not only tests your bible knowledge but it get's you interested enough to look up the answers after playing. My fiance and I play in the car on long rides. We always end up with questions or the need for more details so we bring the bible along to and look up and questions we got wrong. It may not sound spectacular to some, but if you love God and the bible like we Catholics do, you'll love this. We can't wait until we have children and they're old enough to play with us :)
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great fun and stimulating discussion! December 1, 2015 I don't own this game but I did play this on thanksgiving and it was great! We had such a great time learning, I thought I knew the Word but this game definitely stumped me. I plan on buying this game and playing all the time!
geneva1611 5.0 out of 5 stars
The best Bible game I've ever owned. February 12, 2012 This is the best Bible game I ever owned. It is Bible based, fast paced, fun and the one we reach for again and again in our home. I hate Bible games that have nothing to do with the Bible or the Words in it. They are an insult to your intelligence and are boring to boot...This is an amazing game, I'm surprised it doesn't have more reviews. Definitely not a dumbed down game but not so difficult or boring that you play it once and shelve it. We love this game and every one I'v introduced to this game is hooked on it and wants to know where to buy it...It is playable for the Bible student, scholar and seminary student. If you read your Bible faithfully you will be challenged at what you will learn and amazed at how much you know already know...They don't make many like this, snap it up because you know the good things have a tendency to go away.
Jennifer A Shafer 5.0 out of 5 stars
Truely great game July 27, 2017 Verified Purchase Great game interesting
wvumom 5.0 out of 5 stars
Bible Trivia Fanatic August 31, 2008 Awesome game! I can remember playing this in church as a teenager when we would have a youth rally or a game night. This game really got us to study our bible because we didn't want to answer incorrectly and we wanted to be "bible masters." I learned a lot about the bible just by playing this game. I would highly recommend this game to any family, youth minister, or Sunday School teacher.
That guy 5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Game February 14, 2014 Verified Purchase Great board game. Lots of fun. The questions are great and range from straightforward to very challenging. The only con is that the color pieces are very similar and sometimes hard to distinguish. But def the best Bible game out there
Brenda 4.0 out of 5 stars
Great Game to play as a group March 13, 2014 Verified Purchase Great game to play in teams. (It is less intimidating for people who dont know the Bible that well/ new christians if you play in teams) We have a lot of fun with this game and learn a lot of fun facts while playing. Great group activity!
Romel 5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing way to spend Bible-Centered Time with Family/Friends! January 22, 2013 This game is great! Every Christian I've played this with has loved it. My girlfriend's family, her brother's family, family friends, etc. I haven't played this game with a single Christian that didn't have a great time with this. The questions really test your knowledge of the Bible...The game is well designed. Questions revolve around important concepts of the Bible, not trivia. In fact, when I play this with others, we often pause after reading a question and consider why the question is relevant to Christianity...The most important thing though is that you'll find yourself spending hours and hours with friends and family, laughing and enjoying each other's company while learning about the Bible (I know I have)...It's great because it unites Christians of various ages! My grandma wouldn't play a game of checkers with us because she'd deem it too childish, but she'll plays this game because it's about the God and the Bible...It encourages you to read the Bible more. Most people that play this will have weaknesses in knowledge in various parts of the Bible. This game encourages you to read your Bible more and that's a good thing.
Chris 5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Challenge for even Bible scholars. May 13, 2013 Verified Purchase Awesome questions! Enjoyed it very much. Must put on your thinking cap for this game and have your Bible nearby!