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Jim Barineau

Graduating from Florida State University in 1963, Jim served in the USAF for five years and returned to FSU in 1968. Upon receiving a Master's Degree from Florida State University in 1969, he entered the business world as a Certified Public Accountant.

One business venture led to another and he became quite successful according to the world's standards. Even though he loved the Lord and was very active in church and mission activities, his life was lived in the fast lane with never enough time to do all that needed to be done. He was consumed with doing good works, building a reputation, business, bank accounts, retirement accounts, houses, cars, boats, airplanes, travel and tons of "friends."

And then his world collapsed!

Life is different now - he has discovered a secret, and wrote a little article about that secret around 1994. He called it Love, Acceptance and Worth. It is posted here.

This may be more info about Jim than you wanted. If so, stop here. If you want more, some of the stuff that would normally be found on a resume may be located here.