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Scramble The Books

The books are grouped into 10 classes:
  • Law
  • History
  • Poetry
  • Major Prophets
  • Minor Prophets
  • Gospels
  • Acts
  • Pauline Epistles
  • General Epistles
  • Revelation

This app was designed to be an aid
in learning the names and locations
of the books of the Bible.
The books can be scrambled,
put back in order, and you will
be notified when they are correct
and how many moves it took
to accomplish that.

The books can be scrambled in this manner:

  • All the books
  • All the books but the first and last in each class
  • Just by class
  • Just by testament
  • Every other book

To place the book in its proper place,
simply grab the book with your pointer,
drag it to its place, and drop it there.

Here, the books of the Law
have been put back in their
proper place.