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(Various presentations to be of help in becoming more acquainted with the Bible)

The Name Of The Product
A Brief Description Of The Product
An Illustration Of A Portion Of The Product
An Introduction To The Bible
A presentation giving an overview of what the Bible is and its organization
A Look At The Way The Books Are Organized
A more indepth look at the way the books are organized and information concerning their class.
The Bible Is A Book Of Books
A presentation illustrating that the Bible is a collection of 66 books. It demonstrates how the books are organized into the Old and New Testaments. Also how the books are grouped into the 10 different classifications: Law, Old Testament History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Gospels, Early Church History, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and Revelation.
Review of The Old Testament Books
A review of each of the books of the Old Testament Books giving its:
  • Position and size
  • Author, if known
  • Date written, if known
  • People or person written to
  • Geographical location
  • Main characters
  • Overview
  • Theme
  • Outline and events
Review of The New Testament Books
A review of each of the books of the New Testament Books giving its:
  • Position and size
  • Author, if known
  • Date written, if known
  • People or person written to
  • Geographical location
  • Main characters
  • Overview
  • Theme
  • Outline and events
One Way to Remember The Books
A brief presentation give some hints on how to remember the books of the Bible
A Time Line For The Books... AND MORE
A presentation of a time line beginning with the creation of Adam and going through the present time. Many significant events are recorded (such as the flood, Abraham, exile in Egypt, entering the promise land, lineage of Christ and others, and much much more. This is an interesting study for the person interested in the events over time. The presentation is divided into three separate time periods (From Adam to Moses, From Moses to Christ, From Christ to 2022).
How We Got The English Language Bible
A presentation of how we got the English Language Bible and the price that was paid by many people along the way. Much of the data in this presentation was taken from WWW.GREATSITE.COM.